Welcome to the Finale of Season 2 of the show! Keeping consistent with Season 1’s theme, in today’s season Finale I’m recapping what I’ve been learning throughout Season 2 in terms of personal and professional growth, and sha...
We all want to feel strong and confident at work, no doubt. But for women – it can be hard. We often feel pressure to assimilate to the work culture that surrounds us, and this often means turning off our …
Feeling confident at work is pretty much a universal desire – I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t interested in feeling more confident professionally in some way, shape, or form. That challenge with this, though, is that buildin...
Do you struggle to believe that you belong in, and are good enough for your job? Do you feel like impostor syndrome has become a way of life for you? If you struggle to believe in yourself and your capabilities, …
Do you spend a lot of time and energy thinking about the areas where you struggle? When you run into something that doesn’t come naturally to you, does it send you down a tailspin of self-criticism and worry? As human …
Are you self-conscious about the sound of your own voice? Do you hesitate to speak up for fear that you won't sound confident? If you struggle to accept the sound of your voice, then today's episode is for you. Today …
Have you ever felt uncertain about your career path, wondering whether you're moving in the right direction and whether you are where you are supposed to be professionally? It’s easy to get swept up in the uncertainty of not ...
Do you ever find yourself being excessively nice or getting addicted to people pleasing in the workplace? If you answered yes, you are not alone. So many women struggle with adopting niceness and people please as a front to c...
We're all trying to be more confident at work, which is why I love talking with women who exude an authentic sense of confidence and who fully embrace themselves and who they are. Today's guest, Trina Martin, has built an …
Have you ever found yourself feeling confused at work, having no idea what the people around you are saying? Does this make you feel uneasy or anxious? If so, this episode is for you. It's actually totally normal not to …
If you discovered that you only had a decade left in your career, how might you begin to show up differently? Perhaps you’d begin to speak up more at work, or set more ambitious career goals. Or maybe you’d simply …
If you've ever wondered, "how do I uncover my strengths?" then today's episode is for you! If you only ever focus on one thing in your career, let it be your strengths. Your strengths will get you farther than anything …
In this week's bonus episode, Geeta explains why visualization works from a scientific perspective, and explains how we can use visualization to build confidence and speak up at work.
When things get tough at work, we have a tendency to blame ourselves. We may wonder whether we lack the talent to do things properly, or whether the struggle we’re running into is a result of our own lack of …
I loved this week’s conversation with Asari so much. Asari is an attorney who opens up about how she’s built a successful career and remained authentic to her true personality at the same time. We talk about how mentorships ...
I know very few women who don’t struggle with saying ‘no’ – especially in a professional environment. It’s often instinctual for us to want to say and do the right thing so that we can preserve our reputations, do good …
Self-confidence can be one of the most important, and also one of the most elusive feelings that we pursue in our lives and our careers. We all want to feel strong, powerful, and at ease each day in our jobs. …
Life can be hard, and it’s nearly impossible for our careers not to feel the strain of the challenges that so often arise in our personal lives. But the amazing thing is – we can choose how we want to …
If I had to boil women’s empowerment down to just one thing, it would be mindset. In my view, mindset is the swiss army knife of any career challenge – because when your mindset is right, you can find the …
In today’s BONUS episode, I talk about why it is perfectly OK not to be the loudest, boldest, or most talkative person in the room. In fact - your introversion can serve you well in the workplace - you just …
This week I chat with Nicole Martins all about her career journey in the legal field. Nicole opens up about how some of her personal struggles impacted the course of her career, and we talk about how she remained strong …
Join the facebook group! https://www.facebook.com/groups/theartofspeakingup/ This week’s episode is a solo episode, where I explore the emergence of my inner critic both in my career and in my creation of this very podcast. A...
This week I chatted with Regina Romeo about her career in HR and everything she’s learned along the way about salary negotiation. Regina and I talked about the mental side of negotiation in addition to the tools and tactics ...
This week, I’m talking with a childhood best friend of mine and landscape architect, Alexia Friend. In this episode, Alexia shares all about how she learned to manage her workload without sacrificing her dedication to her wo...