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Dec. 4, 2018

12 | Finding peace when work triggers negative emotions with Courtney Clifford

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The Art of Speaking Up

Whether it’s a frustrating project, a co-worker you don’t get along with, or just mental exhaustion – this conversation with Courtney dives into why we find ourselves feeling agitated and on edge some days at work. 


Courtney Clifford is a facilitator, coach, kundalini yoga & meditation teacher based in NYC. She is the founder of TRUE, a transformative experiential development company that generates increased inner awareness through a blend of yogic science, practical energetic philosophy and techniques. Courtney is also the creator Amplified EnergyTM as a way for people of all walks of life to experience their "TRUE" selves and achieve peace from the inside out.


In this conversation we cover:


  • Why emotional intelligence matters at work
  • How we can examine the role we play in coworker frictions
  • How to process and let go of negative emotions that we feel at work
  • How to deepen our self-awareness, and
  • How to stay centered when work is driving us nuts


You can learn more about Courtney’s work at and follow her on Instagram - @courtopia.


Want to submit a listener question to be answered on the show?  Email or DM @theartofspeakingup on Instagram.